Yes yes yes yes. Nothing to add. All of this. YES.

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Start with the writing department. Get rid of Purvis and Wade. I know that people have said that it’s hard to come with ideas, but these two have been falling back on their cliches. Namely Bond taking a resignation, or M’s past haunting (them), than blaming Bond and later saying he’s the best. Nothing for the future of James Bond in cinema needs to change more than the writing. Stop hiring art-house directors with no action experience. These movies are blockbusters, not family drama soap operas.

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Could not agree more. The series needs new fans, and what attracted us in the first place Bond? Epic scoped adventures with gadgets and a fun fast paced plot. As much as you and I love Dalton and License To Kill, we need levity back into the series, we need the suave charming a**hole and most of all we need a producing team that won’t sell out to their lead actor.

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I do like Craig, and Casino Royale was pretty great in all its parkour-bandwagon delightful nonsense, but you're so right about the dreariness of most of them. I feel like the Craig Bond suffered from the turn of the century Postmodern addiction to unnecessary backstory. The Star Wars Prequels problem, as it were. We don't need to know that Darth Vader was an abused child, we don't need to know that Maleficent was assaulted, we don't need to know (ffs) that Cruella deVil's mother was killed by dalmations. Like, seriously?? Her name is DE-VIL.

Anyway. Ahem. But yes.

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Agree with everything

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